Winter Activity Safety Tips
Are you planning a winter get-away? Common injuries include: falls causing bumps
and bruises, cuts, broken bones, head injuries and spinal injuries. Here are some tips to help avoid injuries and
*Protect yourself and family from cold and exposure by
wearing boots, hats, and mittens or gloves.
*Layer clothing – it protects from cold and provides extra
padding in case of falls.
*Wear water repellent outer clothing and check clothing
periodically for dryness.
*Tuck in loose scarves and drawstrings so they do not get
caught or snared on trees, branches, rocks, sleds, skis, etc…
Winter activities such as Ice Skating, Sledding, and Skiing
*Ensure activity is in appropriate designated areas. They should be clear of debris and well
*Don’t go alone, and let someone know where you will be and
when to expect your return.
*Children 12 and under should wear protective head gear, and
be supervised by a responsible adult.
*Limit time exposed to cold and wind. The wind chill factor makes it feel much
colder than the temperature really is.
*If you get wet, get into dry clothes as soon as possible.
*Warm up indoors with a warm drink like hot chocolate.
Have fun and be safe!